Wednesday, 20 July 2011


Today it is a special day because we went to Alton Towers. We wake up at 7.15h and we had a shower. Our leaders gave us the packed breakfast and packed lunch and we took the coach. We were so nervous before we had no idea of Alton Towers except of the comments from the people who went last year.

Once we arrived, we divided in groups we chose for moving in the park. We rode lots of atracctions as Rita, Oblivion, Nemesis, Air... The fastest one is Rita, but the one we liked the most is Nemesis. Some people didn't wanted to ride in best atractions because they though that other atractions were also good and they decided to go to Thirteen and Sonic Splinball.

During the return trip, some people fell asleep because the tiring day.

In BCU, we had dinner and we went to our bedrooms to prepare the suticase. Later on, we went to our kitchens for 15min and finally we went to sleep.

It was an amazing day

Diego S, Iñigo & Francesc


ASUN said...

Holaaaaa!!!!!!, seguro que lo habeis pasado genial en Alton Tower, habra sido un dia de muchas emociones divertidas,que es de lo que se trata.
Buenoso, esto se acaba chicos, supongo que ya teneis la maleta medio hecha.
Maria A, espero que te quepa todo porque conociendote, seguro que te lo has pasado bomba haciendo shopping.
Bueno, nos vemos en unas horitas, un beso muy fuerte,en especial a Maria A. ya Marta V.


Eva Hita said...

Esto ya va sonando a final...aprovechad el tiempo que os queda y disfrutadlo al máximo.
Tenemos unas ganas locas de verte y abrazarte, Pedro. Y ahora pasaremos unas vacaciones estupendas en familia en Andalucía.
Un fuerte abrazo para todos.