Saturday, 10 July 2010


Today we woke up at 8 o'clock; when we got up we went to have breakfast and when we finished we went to have classes. Then, we had lunch and we went to our next trip, Robin Hood's village.

When we arrived to Nottingham, we visited the famous castle and the statue of Robin Hood. In the square of the city hall we found a kid playing drums really well and we also saw different stalls, one of them with paella. Finally we finished our visit having some free time.

At 6p.m. we took the bus back to BCU. When we arrived we had time for studying and tidying up our rooms.

Now we are going to finish watching Robin Hood film that we have been watching all the week.

Curiosity: the breakfast was like yesterday, an English breakfast with with sausage, bacon and fried eggs.

Nacho & Luis