Thursday, 22 July 2010


We started a new day. After having breakfast we had classes. Today in class we did a test for the final marks that are going to be given tomorrow. When we finished we went to the break time. The shop was closed, something that made some people got sad. We returned to class and we practiced the song and the dancing. When we finished, we went to have lunch. Then, we went to our last day of swimming pool, that we enjoyed playing tennis, badminton, table tennis or swimming.

Last match had been done, baseball was today's sport, and the Butterflies team was the first, while Eagles and Platypus drew.

Finally, we are going to see a chapter of the TV series "Heroes" and then pay the penalties. Then we are finishing our diary and having the snack.

Curiosity: Today was the last day of swimming pool and Laura and Pablo swam with us.

Angela & Nieves