Thursday, 20 July 2017


Good evening families,

Today we woke up at 8 o´clock like every day and we had our breakfast.

We went to the university and we had class. Today we prepared presentations about our experiences during the three weeks which we spent in Birmingham.

Then, we had lunch (chicken with potatoes and salad, fruit and brownie)

After lunch, we continued the class and we presented to our colleges our presentations. We were a little bit nervous but we did very well. When we finished the class, we started to prepare our Party. We chose a topic "Harry Potter" and we prepared main characters´ masks and posters with the heraldry shield of the different houses.

At 5 o´clock we went to the accomodation to play our last scavenger hunt. We had to take pictures about different places where we lived and some funny moments.

At 7 o´clock we went back to the university for having dinner (lamb hotpot, vegetables, fruit and chocolate icecream with maltesers)

Finally, we returned to the accomodation, started to packing,
took a shower and went to sleep.

What amazing day!!!

MarĂ­a & Vega