Friday 17 July 2009

The campus, Apu at the Union and a woman who lived among car factories

Today in class we did a quiz about the University where we were staying, the BCU, and it was curious because we had to know how many stairs were at the Galton Building, the different names of the buildings as the Attwood building and the Kenrick library (listed alphabetically)... But we liked a lot the man at the Union Station, commonly called "Apu of the Kwik-E-Mart", who was very nice when we asked for the price of the bread.
Then, we had lunch and we went to the skating in Coventry. Yesterday, our leader told us about the history of this town, and today we have seen that some things are still important in this town. For example, we saw that there were car factories all along the road, and that it seemed to be a renewed town (let's remember that Coventry was bombarded at WWI and totally destroyed). There, we skated a lot and we enjoyed a lot because it was the last day of skating.
We think that Apu is a nice man because he is kind with us in our questions and we found funny that he seems to be like the one in "the Simpsons".
Alex, Oscar, Pedro, Xavier, Gabriel


PEPA said...

Nos alegra ver lo felices que apareceis en las fotos, es estupendo que lo esteis pasando tan bien.

Montse, ¿cuantas multas te han puesto? Esperamos que no sean muchas y que hayas practicado mucho inglés.

Muchos besos de papá, mamá y Tigri.

_MaRia_LiLLo_ said...

Para Laura Lillo:
Eiii soc Maria. Acabe de vindre de passar calor...ja sas,jeje. Ja va quedant poquet per a que tornes aixina que aprofita el temps al màxim eh? Ja m'han contat que t'has comprat unes sabatilles i segur que no sé quantes coses més!! jeje. En fi, un bes i un abras enormes de part de la teua germana. (què envidia que hages estat a Oxford perquè és una ciutat totalment medieval i xulíssima)