Sunday 10 July 2011


Today was a good day because we had no obligations because it was no necessary to go to class, and we enjoyed it a lot.

In the morning, we got up15 minutes later because we had to go to mass at 11.00h. We were given some mass books for being able to follow what the priest was saying and singing too. Once finished the mass we had a walk to the centre of Birmingham where we could walk through the Canals. We also visited the Mail Box, the Symphony Hall and finally St Philips Cathedral.

For having lunch we separated in three groups for going to the different McDonald's. We enjoyed a lot having eaten in the burger company because when we have free time, we sometimes go there and this time it wasn't necessary.

We left Birmingham for coming back to BCU where we did the Harry Potter's gymkhana. It was different from last year because we have to stand the trials of the gymkhana to get the clues who said who killed Voldemort. Ricard did a good job because each group had a different murder, weapon and place, as playing Cluedo. The funniest trial was "Are you a phantom or not?" in which we had to move our partners above our head.

After the gymkhana we went to dinner, but it wasn't as good as we wanted because there weren't the meals we like as pasta. Now we are writing the blog while our friends are watching the film

Javier G. & Daniel Diestre


leticia said...

Veo que la gymkana este año ha sido en la misma residencia. Me imagino que sa sido igual de divertida.
Lo de patinar sobre hielo tambien es genial.
Seguid subiendo fotos para que podamos estar al tanto de vuestros movimientos. Un besazo a todos.

irene said...

HOLA Javi G. y David B.!!
como van las cosas por alli este año sin mi¿? me estareis echando mucho de menos noo¿?
aprobecharlo mucho que el año que viene nos vamos canadá!
estais bailando mucho o no¿? jejejejeje y david ya habras aprendido a patinar :D pasaoslo genial.un besazo a tds los demas.
Esther y Nives mas os vale disfrutar eehhh
un besazo (LL)