Saturday 9 July 2011


Today we woke up, dressed up and met the other children in front of the buildings for going together to have breakfast. When we finished our leader took us to the different classes.

After the first lesson we had the break but today it wasn't outside as the last four days, it was in a gym. Once finished, we went again to the class.

For having lunch we could take raviolis but I didn't eat them because, personally, I don't like them. Later, we went to Stratford, because today we had a half day visit.

Stratford is the city where Shakespeare lived and died. We saw the Avon river, Shakespeare's house and the church but we couldn't enter inside due to there was a wedding. When we finished the visit the leaders gave us some free time to buy souvenirs. At six o'clock we must be ready to return to Birmingham.

We arrived to our bedrooms and we spend our time writing the postcards, the diary and talking with our parents. Then, we went to have dinner.

Now, we are going to finish Ice age, to recount the medals and penalties, to listen Anna's speech and to pray. Finally, we are going to go the kitchen before we go to sleep. We enjoyed a lot this day!

Marta B. & Paula


Miriam said...

Javier G., how interesting to read about this day out!!! Let me know everything you have learnt. I love Shakespeare!! Lucky you!! Love Miriam C.

Eva Hita said...

Por las fotos que acabamos de ver, parece que ha sido una visita muy agradable, Stratford es un pueblo precioso. Seguid aprovechando el tiempo porque ya habéis consumido un tercio de esta maravillosa experiencia. Un beso para todos y en especial para mi hijo Pedro Barrios. Ah, por cierto, no te despistes cuando hagan fotos porque queremos verte. Ja ja ja ,

(un beso, Tato, Teresa)

Antonio said...

Hola currutaquitas Malui y Fer: cada vez que mamá y yo oímos Kiss Fm y Onda Melodía nos acordamos mucho de vosotras. Vemos por las fotos que estais encantadas y que teneis muchos amigos.
Los abuelos de Sevilla y de Madrid preguntan mucho por vosotras y esperan vuestras postales.
Seguid portandoos bien y que no os ponagn mas medallas por hablar español. Besos Papá y Mamá